Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday marks the beginning of confirmation hearings for Sonja Sotomayor; what I believe to be a monumental step backward in our nation's justice system.

I don't believe President Obama's advisors dug quite deep enough before making this recommendation to him.

I believe Mr. Obama to be an honest man, one who wants to do well by his country and its people. I believe Mr. Obama to know his Constitution and what the words of it mean to the people of this great land.

I also believe that Ms. Sotomayor is a judicial activist with no regard for the Constitution or its tenets, only for herself, for women and Hispanics. Her record of public comment in support of Affirmative Action speaks for itself, as do the numerous reversals by the body she aspires to against her rulings.

Mr. President, you've got this one wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. And unfortunately for America, if Ms. Sotomayor's confirmation goes forward and she is seated on the Court, America will pay the price for this short-sightedness for a very, very, very long time.

We do not need a woman like this on our nation's highest Court.
We do not need someone who does not know the Constitution on our nation's highest Court.
We do not need a liberal activist who will use her position to advance her own agenda on our nation's highest Court.
We do not need Sonja Sotomajor on our nation's highest Court.

Jeff Sessions, Orrin Hatch, Charles Grassley, John Cornyn, John Kyl, Lindsey Graham and Tom Coburn: we need a miracle...and we need it badly.