Friday, August 7, 2009

Good Lord!

I don't think the US Senate has a clue how far the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor will set back jurisprudence in this country.

This woman will stop at nothing to advance her own ultra-liberal agenda. She has shamelessly ignored and misinterpreted the Constitution over and over again, as recently indicated by the Court overruling her opinions for the ninth (I believe) time.

How could this happen? The Democrats are so wound up about the opportunity to swing the court to the left that they embraced this nomination apparently without examining her background. The idea of putting a minority on the Court was so overwhelming that they let the first one through the door have the seat.

Mark my words: one day, some of these Democrats will regret the day they jumped on board this bandwagon. Each and every Republican who backed this nomination and voted in favor of it need to be held accountable by their constituency. How dare they?

Speak up and be heard...this was the wrong choice.

End of an era?

It saddened me to see that the Red Sox have cut John Smoltz today. I was NEVER a Braves fan, but in the time of their run in the mid to early 90's, you had to respect Tommy Glavine and John Smoltz. These guys were incredible. I don't have their stats, but rest assured, both will be in Cooperstown in the not too distant future.

I was excited when I heard that my Red Sox had signed Smoltz earler this season. Doesn't he look great in the uni? But as fate would have it, this just wasn't meant to be. I think we've seen the last of John Smoltz on the mound. It's a great loss for baseball. He's simply one of the best. Thanks John, we'll miss you.


I got into a bit of an argument with a friend this week. We were talking about the release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling from North Korea. I said that although I was glad that they had been released, the fact of the matter was that they did illegally enter a country. They were arrested, tried and convicted of violations of that country's laws. It is a very similar situation to that of Dayna Murray and Heather Mercer who were arrested in Afghanistan for preaching/prostelsizing Christianity. Although we may not agree with these arrests, trials, and convictions, the truth is that all four of these women violated the laws of the countries they were in.

I would expect that anyone who would disagree with me on this would agree that if foreigners in this country were to violate our laws, that those persons woud be held accountable and, if necessary, go to prison.

Yes, we are a free people and we have our ideas and ideals of how we should live. But there are many areas of this world of ours that are not free. When we are in those areas, we must tread very lightly, lest our freedoms be taken from us.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday marks the beginning of confirmation hearings for Sonja Sotomayor; what I believe to be a monumental step backward in our nation's justice system.

I don't believe President Obama's advisors dug quite deep enough before making this recommendation to him.

I believe Mr. Obama to be an honest man, one who wants to do well by his country and its people. I believe Mr. Obama to know his Constitution and what the words of it mean to the people of this great land.

I also believe that Ms. Sotomayor is a judicial activist with no regard for the Constitution or its tenets, only for herself, for women and Hispanics. Her record of public comment in support of Affirmative Action speaks for itself, as do the numerous reversals by the body she aspires to against her rulings.

Mr. President, you've got this one wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. And unfortunately for America, if Ms. Sotomayor's confirmation goes forward and she is seated on the Court, America will pay the price for this short-sightedness for a very, very, very long time.

We do not need a woman like this on our nation's highest Court.
We do not need someone who does not know the Constitution on our nation's highest Court.
We do not need a liberal activist who will use her position to advance her own agenda on our nation's highest Court.
We do not need Sonja Sotomajor on our nation's highest Court.

Jeff Sessions, Orrin Hatch, Charles Grassley, John Cornyn, John Kyl, Lindsey Graham and Tom Coburn: we need a miracle...and we need it badly.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Isn't it odd that the news of the Supreme Court reversing yet another of Judge Sotomayor's cases has all but vanished? She ruled that the New Haven (CT) Fire Dept Lt/Capt promotion test results from 2003 couldn't have been valid because no minority candidates passed the test! This therefore denied promotion to any non-minority candidate who DID pass. The Supreme Court, to which she aspires to be a member, has reversed this ruling in a 5-4 judgment.

The blatant liberal agenda set forth by this woman is not needed in our Nation's highest court. I think the nomination itself speaks volumes to Pres. Obama's agenda as well.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The rhetoric sounding from two sides of the globe aimed at the US bring some thoughts to mind...

Who do these third world wannabes think they are? And they're going to publicly call out the US on a global platform? Get real!

Truth be known, North Korea and Iran are scared shitless of the US, as well they should be. And not only from a military standpoint. Let me explain...

I have spoken with people who have actually been in Iran. They tell me that every day, Iranians would tell them "we love Americans, we love America." Now why do you think that is? Because of our apparent knack to run our economy in the ground? Because of the greed of a few misfits who made international news? Because of our newly found international soccer/football prowess? No. These people love Americans and America because of our FREEDOM. The love America because the PEOPLE have that right, and the ability to effect change in their government. Sure, the people of Iran overthrew the Shah in 1980 and effected a serious change in the government. And you know what? They want change AGAIN. They want change they can feel, change they can see, change they can taste. They want the right to be able to speak without the fear of retribution from those they disagree with. Mr. Ahmadinejad says whatever he wants about whomever he chooses, but not every Iranian has that right. I wonder why...

Swing around the world to North Korea and Mr Kim. PUH-LEEEESE!!! This clown has Small Man Syndrome and not a friend in the world! China doesn't even know what to do about the little bastard! The man and unfortunately his people are pariahs on the world stage. The mass graves from the famine brought on by the Dear Leader's father are so damn big they can be seen from outer space! People are starving, children are dying just so Kim can have nuclear weapons?

To both of these "leaders": your people have had enough and they are not going to sit still any longer and let you dictate your outdated and outmoded beliefs. And on top of everything else, you want to call out the strongest, greatest nation in the world? A nation founded upon the very principles your own people are beginning to embrace? You are going to embarrass and humiliate yourselves on the world stage.

Mr Kim is most likely going to lob a nuke into Japan. A country that has done nothing to provoke him, only because he can't reach the US. That's terribly sad. The US will most likely ask Japan to not retaliate. He's probably going to lob a few into South Korea as well, my guess would be at US Military Installations such as Osan AB and Camp Humphries. Will we retaliate? I would ask Mr Obama that very question. Sure, we need to temper our tongues these days when dealing with these two, but let there be no mistake. We need to respond, we need to respond firmly, we need to respond with resolve. They need to be made to understand that if they want to come and play in the Big Game, they better be prepared for the consequences because there will be consequences. To paraphrase Mr Ahmadinejad: Crushing consequences. This guy has no concept of what "crushing" means...

So you want to call out the United States of America? Here's a couple of words for you:

Bring it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Obama sure Sotomayor would restate 2001 comment

I'm sure she would too, now that she's a nominee for the nation's highest court! Fact of the matter is: she said it and she meant it. This is NOT the type of person we want on the Supreme Court. What we need is someone who knows and can apply The Constitution of this great land in the manner it was written AND intended.