Friday, August 7, 2009


I got into a bit of an argument with a friend this week. We were talking about the release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling from North Korea. I said that although I was glad that they had been released, the fact of the matter was that they did illegally enter a country. They were arrested, tried and convicted of violations of that country's laws. It is a very similar situation to that of Dayna Murray and Heather Mercer who were arrested in Afghanistan for preaching/prostelsizing Christianity. Although we may not agree with these arrests, trials, and convictions, the truth is that all four of these women violated the laws of the countries they were in.

I would expect that anyone who would disagree with me on this would agree that if foreigners in this country were to violate our laws, that those persons woud be held accountable and, if necessary, go to prison.

Yes, we are a free people and we have our ideas and ideals of how we should live. But there are many areas of this world of ours that are not free. When we are in those areas, we must tread very lightly, lest our freedoms be taken from us.

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