Friday, August 7, 2009

Good Lord!

I don't think the US Senate has a clue how far the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor will set back jurisprudence in this country.

This woman will stop at nothing to advance her own ultra-liberal agenda. She has shamelessly ignored and misinterpreted the Constitution over and over again, as recently indicated by the Court overruling her opinions for the ninth (I believe) time.

How could this happen? The Democrats are so wound up about the opportunity to swing the court to the left that they embraced this nomination apparently without examining her background. The idea of putting a minority on the Court was so overwhelming that they let the first one through the door have the seat.

Mark my words: one day, some of these Democrats will regret the day they jumped on board this bandwagon. Each and every Republican who backed this nomination and voted in favor of it need to be held accountable by their constituency. How dare they?

Speak up and be heard...this was the wrong choice.

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