Friday, August 7, 2009

Good Lord!

I don't think the US Senate has a clue how far the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor will set back jurisprudence in this country.

This woman will stop at nothing to advance her own ultra-liberal agenda. She has shamelessly ignored and misinterpreted the Constitution over and over again, as recently indicated by the Court overruling her opinions for the ninth (I believe) time.

How could this happen? The Democrats are so wound up about the opportunity to swing the court to the left that they embraced this nomination apparently without examining her background. The idea of putting a minority on the Court was so overwhelming that they let the first one through the door have the seat.

Mark my words: one day, some of these Democrats will regret the day they jumped on board this bandwagon. Each and every Republican who backed this nomination and voted in favor of it need to be held accountable by their constituency. How dare they?

Speak up and be heard...this was the wrong choice.

End of an era?

It saddened me to see that the Red Sox have cut John Smoltz today. I was NEVER a Braves fan, but in the time of their run in the mid to early 90's, you had to respect Tommy Glavine and John Smoltz. These guys were incredible. I don't have their stats, but rest assured, both will be in Cooperstown in the not too distant future.

I was excited when I heard that my Red Sox had signed Smoltz earler this season. Doesn't he look great in the uni? But as fate would have it, this just wasn't meant to be. I think we've seen the last of John Smoltz on the mound. It's a great loss for baseball. He's simply one of the best. Thanks John, we'll miss you.


I got into a bit of an argument with a friend this week. We were talking about the release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling from North Korea. I said that although I was glad that they had been released, the fact of the matter was that they did illegally enter a country. They were arrested, tried and convicted of violations of that country's laws. It is a very similar situation to that of Dayna Murray and Heather Mercer who were arrested in Afghanistan for preaching/prostelsizing Christianity. Although we may not agree with these arrests, trials, and convictions, the truth is that all four of these women violated the laws of the countries they were in.

I would expect that anyone who would disagree with me on this would agree that if foreigners in this country were to violate our laws, that those persons woud be held accountable and, if necessary, go to prison.

Yes, we are a free people and we have our ideas and ideals of how we should live. But there are many areas of this world of ours that are not free. When we are in those areas, we must tread very lightly, lest our freedoms be taken from us.